Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Immaculate Home Ruined by Ill-conceived Renovation.

Returning home from a recent mission in Columbus, Ohio, I found this saintly 18th century, Georgian Colonial home exalted by a gently rolling pastoral hill.   The once graceful architectural style of this edifice was condemned by the sinful construction of a room addition on the south facing wall and a portico to the east. Unfortunately the renovations, which were too glaring to passover, crucified the resale value of the once divine home with idyllic views. I have faith that the homeowners will have a revelation and convert the home to a condition that bears witness to its original glory.


  1. What a travesty....they ruined a beautiful home. Thanks for your clever use of religious jargon...I wouldnt have noticed the cross otherwise. I am thinking about recommending that they use the cross as a base for a wind turbine. No need to waste a location that high. I'm sure god would be happy...cutting down on pollution , don't they say god helps those that help themselves. Good blog baby

  2. I am guessing divine intervention wasn't available during the planning process. I think the Catholic church will have to add an 8th deadly sin. Thou shalt not add on to you house without using the proper materials. Every one knows you add on to a brick house in brick .... It should be illegal to add a mini barn directly onto your house

  3. Was there no higher power in charge here? No zoning board would have ever approved that room addition!
