Saturday, August 18, 2012

Rooster or Hen?

Is it a rooster or a hen? Text message the correct answer, to my cell, email or comment here on this blog, for a chance to win a very special prize! One winner will be selected from all winning entries! Good Luck! Deadline is noon,Wednesday, August 22, 2012.


  1. I'm sure this is a trick question. The chick is probably too young to determine its sex.

    Bren -

    1. lol........what is your guess? Just humor me on this one.

    2. lol........what is your guess? Just humor me on this one.

    3. My guess is its a hen...all of Chipz's questions are trick questions, but I'll go out on a limb.

    4. My guess is its a hen...all of Chipz's questions are trick questions, but I'll go out on a limb.

  2. A hen! And a sweet little one at that.

  3. Well because my dear sister is NOT a morning person, I cannot imagine her getting a rooster. Therefore, I'll say its a hen :@)

    If I'm right you can Keep the prize if its fresh eggs or a baby chick.

    Love you,
    Bren -

    1. lol! I have TWO roosters! The baby chick was hatched here at home, I didn't buy it:)

  4. Since I was born and raised a country girl, my guess is it's a hen. It is to cute to be a rooster.

    Country Grannie

  5. I have no idea but looks like my odds of getting the prize are better if I say roooster, so rooster! Todd

  6. The following post is rated PG-13 and is not recommended for audiences who support Purdue.

    A former co-worker of mine was a Purdue alum who once told me that one of her many course requirements involved becoming extremely familiar with a rooster to coax a sample out of him, which was then used to inseminate a hen. Though I thankfully didn't take whatever course that might have been, as Purdue alum myself, I consider myself uniquely qualified to tell u all this is a rooster, and if u want a chance at whatever fabulous prioze Chipz has to offer, I suggest u change ur vote! As for me, go rooster, and go Purdue!

    Names have been omitted from this post to protect rooster violators and Boilermakers alike.

    1. I would thank you and your former coworker to stay away from my chickens. Unlike those cocks at Purdue, my roosters know what they are doing!

  7. It's a HEN!
    from, Belinda - Send me my prize beootch!

    1. Limit two entries per person! I'd guess both just to be sure!

  8. Come on Chipz; we're all dying to know what the cute little fluffy critter is??? Don't leave us hanging ALL day :@P

    Bren -

    1. Could be another 6 months before we know;)
