Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Cheticamp Island, Cape Breton

Stayed the night with the boys on Cheticamp Island last night. As we had the entire private beach to ourselves, David and I took a nice, refreshing dip in St. Lawrence Bay along with Nyxy. Scott got some wonderful photos. Sorry, I will not be sharing those on the blog (wink). Suppose to meet the boys tonight at Meat Cove, but the locals have seriously warned against that idea as a man fell from the cliffs to his death just last week and they are expecting winds in excess of 60mph tonight with heavy rains. I don't know if the guys will make it out to the cove either, maybe they will get the same warning I got before they attempt to head out there. Mean time I am at Tim Hortons with a mocha cafe and a chocolate dipped donut. It has been raining all morning, which gave me a chance to do laundry at the campground on Cheticamp Island. I will, no doubt be heading inland before the wind picks up this evening, as the locals suggested. Doubt if I will meet up with the boys as they will likely attempt Meat Cove....I cannot take that chance with Nyxy.....steep cliffs and clumsy lil Nyxy  and 60 mph winds and rain - BAD IDEA --very bad....won't risk it.


  1. Beatiful pictures again. I love the beach, water & sea shells. Glad to hear you will be playing it safe tonight and not going near the cliffs. I remember something about you falling and hurting your buttocks. Take care and have fun.
    Country Grannie

  2. Great photos, Denise. Wise move to avoid the cliffs. Sue and I didn't get to Cape Breton Island. It sounds lovely.

    1. You know when that little voice in your head tells you that it is a bad idea --you probably should listen. I turned around and came down from the mountains when the little voice spoke. I'll try again tomorrow morning.

  3. I love how you blame Nyxy for avoiding the cliffs..I recall a recent blog about you taking a spill off of a ladder, and then there was another post about tumbling down the stairs and being unable to blog due to a subdural hemotoma.....AKA broken bottom. Nice try, we know who the clumsy one is, and it isn't Nicodemus...glad you are doing well. Be safe, see you for Christmas.

    1. Christmas? Why so soon? I said EASTER!

    2. Easter is good. I will meet you at your mom's for dinner.

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