Returned home late last night from a photography outing with my partner. We spent the day at a nearby wildlife area. It was so bitter cold we spent but a few minutes out in the biting air shooting landscape between 'warm-up and defrost your fingers' sessions in the truck. With the exception of a single Yellow-rumped Warbler, a dozen or so Canadian Geese and a couple dozen Gulls there was no wildlife to speak of, not even a squirrel. Arriving home tired, cold, exhausted and disappointed I carelessly dropped my favorite, most widely used, top rated 300mm Nikon lens right out on the concrete drive. Needless to say the lens is destroyed completely! Don't feel too bad for me though, the internal focus motor was on the fritz since the 'Great Chicago Taxi Debacle of 2011' and I was facing the tough choice to spend hundreds in repairs or buy new anyway. So the new lens will be here tomorrow - Yippee!!!

The ill-fated AF-S VR Zoom-Nikkor 70-300mm IF ED shortly after the 'Chicago Taxi Debacle of 2011'. Thankfully the zoom lens was protected with a UV filter, which spared the actual lens any damage. However, the motor never responded the same way again. The filter was carefully removed and glass dust cleaned from the lens by a professional camera repair shop. I hate to see this lens go, it was the best lens ever - and was the first lens I bought for the D300 back in 2007. I loved the lens so much, it's replacement is the exact same model!