Block Right Click

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Blue Jay - Suet

I've seen this look before....usually across the dinner table!
I guess birds don't wipe their chins either!

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Chinese Goose and Muscovy Ducks

Found these feathered friends heading north on 1100W in Linton, IN.
I was sure they would take flight when I jumped from the truck but to my surprise they damn near jumped in the truck with me. They definitely were not shy about wanting fed, but I couldn't even pay them in bread crumbs for these photos! 

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Horned Lark

Just when I thought I had seen the best the day had to offer....I ran right into this little devil running around in front of me in a fallow field. "My Lucky Stars - A Horned Lark!" He blends right into the ground and had I not looked down to see why the soil was moving, I would have never noticed him. The photo pretty much sucks. It was a true disappointment to have screwed up these shots, but every day I learn a little more than the day before when it comes to shooting birds. With that said, I can stop kicking myself for the slow shutter speed and low ISO so close to sunset and try for a better shot the next time! Photos were taken on Baseline Rd., Linton Indiana near Bee Hunter Marsh.

Monday, February 25, 2013

Eastern Meadowlark

I spotted this Eastern Meadowlark on the side of State Rd 59 in Linton, Indiana yesterday. This little guy has no idea how lucky he is to still be alive considering my partner was driving when we passed him. This isn't a great shot or anything special, but the corncobs in the image are an excellent reference for scale. I've never seen a Meadowlark outside of a bird book before, so this was a pleasant surprise. Many thanks to my partner who puts up with my "stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, STOOOOOOP"s and my "Go back, go back, go back"s every time I see a bird. 

Much harder to spot the Eastern Meadowlark in its natural element. No wonder I have never seen one before.

Awe! This sweet little guy is serenading me.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Northern Gannet - PEI Ferry

Found this photo hanging around in the blog draft file. I think it is a little overdue, but glad I finally remembered to post it. This a a Northern Gannet crossing the Northumberland Strait. Photographed from the PEI Ferry from Nova Scotia to Prince Edward Island in September 2012. 

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Stone Arch Lake - Sunset

Sunset behind Stone Arch Lake.
Atterbury Fish and Wildlife Area, Edinburgh Indiana

Friday, February 22, 2013

Ghost Blue Jay

I was pretty excited to have these two Blue Jays perch right in front of me while shooting photos one afternoon. Unfortunately they took off before I had a chance to increase the f-stop so that both Blue Jay's were crisp and clear. Blue Jays are very skittish birds. They will not stick around and pose for your photo shoot, so don't expect them to. A photography blind or hunting blind will increase your luck. This was shot at f/7.1 and resulted in what looks like a ghost Blue Jay. 

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Bald Eagle - Goose Pond

This Bald Eagle caught us by surprise. Before either of us even recognized what it was, I was shooting photos. This is the only photo that caught full head to tail. The other shots caught wing down, obscuring the white head and the others were all white tail as it turned away after a few shots. This photo was shot at County Road 1200W at the southern most end of the pond. 

Red-tailed Hawk, Goose Pond

Difficult to discern from this photo, but this Red-tailed Hawk is actually in the process of crushing the life out of a mole, with its talons. This hawk swooped in for the kill at the corner of 200S and St.Rd 59 between ponds 16 and 10 South, which is a great location to observe several species of hawks and eagles as well.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

American White Pelicans

Two American White Pelicans come in for a landing at Goose Pond. These Pelicans are landing among a small flock  of Greater White-fronted Geese (mid-photo). Canadian Geese in foreground and background. Far left side of screen is another American White Pelican resting on a muskrat nest.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Sandhill Cranes - Bee Hunter Marsh

Hundreds of Sandhill Cranes stop for a short rest from their migration north.
Bee Hunter Marsh Area, pond 5 North.
Linton, Indiana - February 14, 2013.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Not So Funny Folly

Returned home late last night from a photography outing with my partner. We spent the day at a nearby wildlife area. It was so bitter cold we spent but a few minutes out in the biting air shooting landscape between 'warm-up and defrost your fingers' sessions in the truck. With the exception of a single Yellow-rumped Warbler, a dozen or so Canadian Geese and a couple dozen Gulls there was no wildlife to speak of, not even a squirrel. Arriving home tired, cold, exhausted and disappointed I carelessly dropped my favorite, most widely used, top rated 300mm Nikon lens right out on the concrete drive. Needless to say the lens is destroyed completely! Don't feel too bad for me though, the internal focus motor was on the fritz since the 'Great Chicago Taxi Debacle of 2011' and I was facing the tough choice to spend hundreds in repairs or buy new anyway. So the new lens will be here tomorrow - Yippee!!!

The ill-fated AF-S VR Zoom-Nikkor 70-300mm IF ED shortly after the 'Chicago Taxi Debacle of 2011'. Thankfully the zoom lens was protected with a UV filter, which spared the actual lens any damage. However, the motor never responded the same way again. The filter was carefully removed and glass dust cleaned from the lens by a professional camera repair shop. I hate to see this lens go, it was the best lens ever - and was the first lens I bought for the D300 back in 2007. I loved the lens so much, it's replacement is the exact same model!

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Goose Pond Sunset - Linton, Indiana

Sandhill Cranes passing over pond 16 at sunset.
Goose Pond Fish and Wildlife Area.

Nikon D300|AF-S DX Nikkor 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6G

Friday, February 15, 2013

Northern Harrier - Goose Pond

A Northern Harrier (male) makes a pass across pond 10 South at Goose Pond Fish and Wildlife Area, in Linton, Indiana.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Northern Cardinal - Yucca

This female Cardinal rests on a Yucca plant,
as she waits her turn at the feeder.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Orchid +2

Nikon D300 | Nikon AF-S VR 70-300mm f/4.5-5.6 IF-ED | Hoya 67mm +2 magnification Lens

Garfield Park Conservatory and Sunken Gardens.
Hoya +2 magnification lens, photo of an orchid.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Dark-eyed Junco - Slate-colored

A Slate-colored, Dark-eyed Junco seeks refuge in a nearby tree. This little bird spends most of its time foraging on the ground for seed, so catching a nice shot like this is always a pleasant surprise. 

A little bit of trivia for you: The Dark-eyed Junco is Anne Murray's "Snowbird' of which she sang in her 1970 chart topper.