Friday, October 18, 2013

Bryce Canyon - Lightning

My first attempt at photographing lightning. I did not want to get caught in this storm at nearly 9,000 ft elevation, so I left the tripod in the car. Without the tripod, long exposures are impossible and while I've always wanted a lightning trigger release - I still do not own one. For you non-photographer peoples that means this was a damn lucky shot! A special "thank you" to my wonderful friend who waited patiently enjoying the storm (in the drizzling rain), while I got lost in my photography. For your endless smiles, support, encouraging words, kindness and patience; for driving more than your share and last but not least; for being my lucky rabbits' foot (even tho you have yet to embrace that affectionate title) -This one's for you! Bryce Canyon, Utah. August 2013.

Nikon D7100 | Tokina 11-16mm f/2.8 AT-X 116 PRO DX II.

1 comment:

  1. So, if I'm your lucky rabbit's foot , does this mean I get to take credit for the amazing lightning photo from Bryce Canyon? LOL! In any event, thanks for the kind words of appreciation. I'd gladly wait even longer if it means we all get to enjoy more of your beautiful photography. And, for the record, all of the awesome photos you've taken without me only prove that luck has nothing to do with it - talent and passion makes the difference - and you have both! Please keep up the good work.
