Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Lost Again!!

Ruth!!! Help!!!

Well I am lost again! No surprise there. Actually I guess I am not technically lost anymore since this very handsome young police officer just pointed out on the map where I am. Caledonia! I am suppose to be at the Kejimkujik National park Seaside near Port Mouton and where am I? Kejimkujik National Park and Historic Site near Kempt..... or as far inland as you can get! I need to find a place to sleep so I must get moving! Got some wonderful shots of a Common Loon and a Belted Kingfisher and something else I can't quite recall what it is. I think we used to have one that was blue and sat on the roof and made a loud fuss all day long. I'm drawing a blank on what that darned thing was. I'll post those pictures when and if I ever get myself unlost!


  1. Lost again. I think you need to invest in a Canadian Garmin.

    Country Grannie

  2. I'm not sure Garmin or Magellan could figure out the roads here in Nova Scotia. I think the Canadian version of GPS is just a black screen with big white letters that flash a series of phrases like: "You are Screwed!" and "There goes your Shocks".

  3. AWE poor Chipz you once were lost but now you're found lol

    1. Oh NO! Now I have "Amazing Grace" stuck in my head!
