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Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Eastern Fox Squirrel

One of our many Eastern Fox Squirrels. 
This squirrel must think he is an honorary bird, I've caught him several times on the platform feeder. I bet I look pretty silly chasing him around the pond, beating on my tin pie pan with a wooden spoon, in my coonskin cap, fringed jacket, shorts and boots! Where are the hawks when you need them?

Nikon D300 | Nikon AF-S VR 70-300mm f/4.5-5.6 IF-ED


  1. Shorts and boots! Lol! Nice addition! But dont forget the rifle slung over ur back!!!! But I dont want u to shoot the precious little squirrel! He is adorable! U should train him to do tricks. ..could b a fun way to pass the time hanging out in ur hunting blind.

    1. No, no! No rifle! It was a shotgun as you may recall and I put that one up after I sprained my thumb using it to scare off the blackbirds!

    2. paint a more accurate portrayal of the shotgun situation, please watch the opening scene of Ratatouille! The old woman with the shotgun, shooting at the mice in her robe.........that's me!
