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Friday, January 18, 2013

Tufted Titmouse

Tufted Titmouse

A frequent visitor to the backyard feeder and one of the least skittish birds around. The Tufted Titmouse is a cute, little, social bird that enjoys shelled peanuts as much as the Blue Jay. However, the Titmouse does not load up on nine peanuts at a time. Instead he flies in and out repeatedly taking one half nut per visit. The Titmouse will swoop in and out of the feeders while I am filling them. It's a pretty neat thing to hear several of them fluttering their wings, as they bustle in and out during rush hour at the feeder. These birds are pretty social and don't seem to be too bothered by human activity or other feathered friends. Some of you may recall that a Tufted Titmouse ate peanuts from my hand at the Beech Forest, in Provincetown, Massachusetts. The following link will take you directly to that blog post and photo of the Tufted Titmouse eating from my hand. You will need to scroll through the blog photos until you get to the Titmouse.

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