Block Right Click

Friday, September 21, 2012


Stayed the night with Darryl and Steph in Bridgewater last night. We had a lovely time out at Stonehurst and Lunenburg yesterday afternoon, despite the rain. Raining again this morning, go figure. We will be heading out shortly to The Ovens and hopefully back by the location where I spotted the Hooded Mergansers. We had a wonderful night out at Boston Pizza for open mic night and heard some very wonderful young, new, aspiring artists.....and some old farts too that didn't take too kindly to our screaming"one more" to the bands that we liked. We had decided that when the drunk old farts returned to stage we would holler "one less". Fortunately we left before given the opportunity to heckle them;)

Steph (left) and Darryl at Stonehurst.

A Herring Gull with the catch of the day (Crab).

Hooded Mergansers in Pleasantville, female (left) and male.


  1. How was the weather today? I have enjoyed the bird, lighthouse & old town building.

    Enjoy your trip and be safe.

    Love ya,

    1. Weather has been very disappointing. It has rained the last three consecutive days. Suppose to be nice and sunny Sunday through Wednesday, but I'm an expert at finding rain, so I will likely travel right into it! Its a special gift!

  2. hey kid. I love your pictures, you are doing a fantastic job. loved skyping with yoy and meeting your new friends...

    1. Thank you dear. I enjoyed talking with you last night too.
