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Monday, September 10, 2012

Where to next?

Woke again this morning to fog and rain. No surprise there!

I don't quite know yet which way I will be heading. Baddeck, north west of here, or continue on moving south? I guess it really depends on when and where I get lost and where I end up.

Aside for my quick run through the Fortress of Louisbourg, I spent most of the day in the cottage yesterday sick. I am feeling much better this morning.

No photos today, Booooooo! I hate no photos!

Hold on ---since I really don't want to be Boooed off my own blog let me find some photos from yesterday.

Desroches House

The Military Chapel

Geese heading for chapel.

An 18th century woman passing in  front of De Gannes House.

A look from the garden at De la Plagne House. Rodrigue House on left, De la Valliere House Middle with De la Valliere Storehouse attached on right. The very far right of photo is Dugas de la Tour House.

Not for certain here, but I think this is inside Carrerot House.

Ther Louisbourg Cross.
Frederic Gate.

A Common Loon photographed from Frederic Gate.


  1. I liked the pictures of the old town. Where are the pictures of the puffins? I was watching TV the other day and saw something about the puffins being on an island off of Maine. Take care.

    Country Grannie

    1. No, no puffins here. They've gone to sea already.I'd be very surprised if there were any in Maine right now. However, it would be just my luck that they would be in Maine since I am in Nova Scotia, right? I would love to see one.....but I'm still looking for that Northern Shrike too, with absolutely no luck!

  2. Hey D' glad u r feeling better - get yourself down to the south shore and Steph and I will try to rustle up some sunshine 4 u - Darryl

    1. Hey Ladies! Nice to hear from you! I am heading to the South Shore next week! Making a quick stop on PEI first, since I am planning to take the Digby Ferry across the Bay of Fundy to St. John. I hope to be on the South Shore by the 17th or the 18th. I will keep you posted. Rustle up some sunshine? Do you guys actually get sunshine here? Better start rustling right now;) See you soon!
